Mauricio Vargas Sepulveda
Author of 12 CRAN packages
Mauricio Vargas Sepulveda has 12 packages under their belt. That's not just dedication, it's a passion for coding! Mauricio Vargas Sepulveda teamed up with 41 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
12 Packages
- canadamapsMaps of the Political and Administrative Divisions of Canada
- cpp11armadilloAn 'Armadillo' Interface
- cpp11eigenAn 'Eigen' Interface
- d3poFast and Beautiful Interactive Visualization for 'Markdown' and 'Shiny'
- economiccomplexityComputational Methods for Economic Complexity
- kendallknightEfficient Implementation of Kendall's Correlation Coefficient Computation
- leontiefInput-Output Analysis
- lfeLinear Group Fixed Effects
- redatamImport 'REDATAM' Files
- tabulapdfExtract Tables from PDF Documents
- tintinTintin Palette Generator
- tradepolicyReplication of 'An Advanced Guide To Trade Policy Analysis'
- Statistics Canada
- Jonathan Schneider Malamud
- Conrad Sanderson
- Intel Corporation
- Gael Guennebaud
- Benot Jacob
- Xerox Corporation
- John Coene
- Riva Quiroga
- R Consortium
- Ariel Alvarado
- Sylvain Lesage
- Curran Kelleher
- Fernando Becerra
- Natural Earth
- Carlo Bottai
- Diego Kozlowski
- Nico Pintar
- The World Bank
- Open Trade Statistics
- Ross Ihaka
- Loader Catherine
- Daniel Lüdecke
- Grant McDermott
- Matthieu Stigler
- Karl Dunkle Werner
- Simen Gaure
- Ivan Krylov
- Arseny Kapoulkine
- Lital Barkai
- Oriental Republic of Uruguay
- Thomas J. Leeper
- David Gohel
- Lincoln Mullen
- Tom Paskhalis
- Manuel Aristaran
- Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy
- Alexey Kravchenko
- Constanza Prado
- Yoto Yotov
- The United Nations